The Spiritual Edge Podcast Seasons 1 & 2: Sacred Steps

18 stories of struggle and never giving up hope

Shining a spotlight on people who stand up to intolerance.
Risking their lives for their communities.
And always believing in the possibility of change.

Sacred Steps The Spiritual Edge Sacred Steps The Spiritual Edge

Making space for women In mosques

Women don’t always feel welcome in American mosques. They’re sometimes turned away, sent to basements to pray, or discouraged from serving on the boards of directors. Aisha al-Adawiya has devoted her life to changing that. She’s inspired a national campaign — and a fatwa — that’s persuading the men who control mosques to share space and power.

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Sacred Steps The Spiritual Edge Sacred Steps The Spiritual Edge

Sister Dianna Ortiz survived torture in Guatemala and became a voice for victims

Independent producer Maria Martin offers this remembrance of the late Sister Dianna Ortiz, who survived torture in Guatemala during the 1980s. She and went on to fight for human rights and to speak out about the use of torture globally. She did so until her death in February 2021, even while still suffering from the trauma of her experience.

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Sacred Steps The Spiritual Edge Sacred Steps The Spiritual Edge

Calling on ancient Maya wisdom to heal Guatemalan widows

The Central American country of Guatemala promotes its indigenous heritage to tourists. At the same time, its government has historically marginalized and discriminated against the Maya, many of whom endured terrible violence during a decades-long civil war. Twenty five years after the war’s end, human rights leader Rosalina Tuyuc is promoting healing for her people based on ancient Maya wisdom.

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The Spiritual Edge The Spiritual Edge

An Anti-Poverty Policymaker Finds Inspiration in Hindu Texts

A new generation of anti-poverty activists are looking to end poverty in the United States. They want to build on the movement started by Martin Luther King. Shailly Gupta Barnes grounds her commitment to economic justice in her family’s Hindu traditions.

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